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Extract Links from Page

This tool will parse the html of a website and extract links from the page. The hrefs or "page links" are displayed in plain text for easy copying or review.

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Find what a web page links to with this tool.

Internal and external links will be displayed with this information gathering tool. When security testing an organization or web site, forgotten and poorly maintained web applications can be a great place to find weak spots. Dumping the page links is a quick way to find other linked applications, web technologies, and related websites.

How to use this tool

Enter Web Page to Scrape

Enter a valid URL into the form. That page is downloaded by our system. The HTML is then analyzed, and URLs are extracted from the results. This technique is known as scraping.



The results are displayed as a list of url's. To perform additional scraping, copy and paste your desired URL into the form and repeat the process.


No Links Found

If you receive the message - No Links Found - it may be due to no links found in the response from the server. If you are hitting HTTP service that redirects to HTTPS or an address that has a redirect, you may also receive this message as the test will not follow links to a new location (301 or 302 redirects). Ensure to enter the URL of the actual page you wish to extract links from.

No Links Found

About the Page Links Scraping Tool

This tool allows a fast and easy way to scrape links from a web page. Listing links, domains, and resources that a page links to tell you a lot about the page. Reasons for using a tool such as this are wide-ranging. From Internet research, web page development to security assessments, and web page testing.

The tool has been built with a simple and well-known command line tool Lynx. This is a text-based web browser popular on Linux based operating systems.

Lynx can also be used for troubleshooting and testing web pages from the command line. Being a text-based browser you will not be able to view graphics, however, it is a handy tool for reading text-based pages. It was first developed around 1992 and is capable of using old school Internet protocols, including Gopher and WAIS, along with the more commonly known HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and NNTP.

API for the Extract Links Tool

Another option for accessing the extract links tool is to use the API. Rather than using the above form you can make a direct link to the following resource with the parameter of ?q set to the address you wish to extract links from.


The API is simple to use and aims to be a quick reference tool; like all our IP Tools there is a limit of 100 queries per day or you can increase the daily quota with a Membership.

Running the tool locally

Extracting links from a page can be done with a number of open source command line tools.

Linux Command Line

lynx a text based browser is perhaps the simplest.

lynx -listonly -dump url.example.com

Python3 Beautiful Soup

soup = BeautifulSoup ()

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