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Archives of Security Research

Install Suricata on Ubuntu 18.04 in 5 minutes

Building a network-based intrusion detection capability can be done in just 5 minutes. Install Suricata to monitor network traffic and look for security events that can indicate an attack or compromise. Suricata is based around the Snort IDS system, with a number of improvements. Suricata performs multi-threaded analysis, natively decode network streams, and assemble files […]
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WordPress User Enumeration

These three enumeration techniques are a very fast way to identify users of a WordPress installation. With valid usernames effective brute force attacks can be attempted to guess the password of the user accounts. WordPress User Enumeration via Author Archives Finding users by iterating through the author archives is a common technique that works in […]
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Brief History of Internet Wide Scanning

In the beginning there were Google Dorks, as far back as 2002 security researchers discovered specific Google queries revealed Internet-connected devices. Seventeen years later, it is still possible to find thousands of unsecured remotely accessible security cameras and printers via simple Google searches. Now, using search engines such as Shodan.io and Censys.io, it has become […]
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Analysis of Top 100K WordPress Sites

CMS Detection Methodology The methodology used to determine the underlying technology of web sites is to search for specific strings within the HTML, or the HTTP Headers provided by the web server. For WordPress, our process is a simple matter of downloading the headers and page source from all sites in the Alexa top 1 […]
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SSH Examples, Tips & Tunnels

Practical SSH examples to take your remote system admin game to the next level. Commands and tips to not only use SSH but master ways to move around the network. Knowing a few ssh tricks will benefit any system administrator, network engineer or security professional.
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Tcpdump Examples

Practical tcpdump examples to lift your network troubleshooting and security testing game. Commands and tips to not only use tcpdump but master ways to know your network. Knowing tcpdump is an essential skill that will come in handy for any system administrator, network engineer or security professional.
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Wireshark Tutorial and Cheat Sheet

Examples to Understand the Power of Wireshark Wireshark can be useful for many different tasks, whether you are a network engineer, security professional or system administrator. Here are a few example use cases: Troubleshooting Network Connectivity Visually understand packet loss Review TCP retransmission Graph high latency packet responses Examination of Application Layer Sessions (even when […]
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Maltego Transforms

Creating Local Maltego Transforms for our DNS reconnaissance tools has been on my to-do list for a while now. I am happy to say they are now available and it is a sweet way to perform infrastructure mapping from a domain. What is Maltego? Maltego is a cross-platform application for performing link analysis. Discover relationships […]
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Cowrie Honeypot on Ubuntu

What is Cowrie Cowrie is the new fork of the Kippo Honeypot. It has been updated with new features and provides emulation that records the session of an attacker. With this session recording, you get a better understanding of the attackers tools, tactics, and procedures - TTPs. TTPs being a term that is increasingly being […]
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20 Open Source Security Tools for Blue Teams

20 Essential tools for Blue Teams   1. Nmap   2. OpenVAS   3. OSSEC   4. Security Onion   5. Metasploit Framework   6. OpenSSH   7. Wireshark   8. Kali Linux   9. Nikto 10. Yara 11. Arkime (formerly Moloch) 12. ZEEK (formerly Bro-IDS) 13. Snort 14. OSQuery 15. GRR - Google Rapid Response 16. ClamAV 17. Velociraptor 18. ELK Stack | […]
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