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Archives of #nmap

WordPress Security Testing with Nmap

As with any security testing, make sure you fully understand what the script will do and how it might affect a target system. Only test systems you have permission to scan! NMAP NSE Scripts for WordPress http-wordpress-info.nse Rather than brute forcing paths, this script is much more polite and will only download the main page […]
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7 Nmap NSE Scripts for Recon

As with any security testing, make sure you fully understand what the script will do and how it might affect a target system. Only test systems you have permission to scan! Information Gathering 1. DNS Brute Force Find sub-domains with this script. Detecting sub-domains associated with an organization's domain can reveal new targets when performing […]
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Parse Nmap XML to get SSL Certificate details

Extract SSL certificate details from a range of IP addresses using Nmap XML and a simple python script. The python script parses the Nmap XML output from the ssl-cert.nse script and produces csv output with the target SSL certificate details. libssl-dev package When compiling Nmap you need the libssl-dev package installed. Nmap nse scripts such […]
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List all IPs in Subnet with Nmap

-sL  -n Below we have listed the IP addresses in the target subnet -sL with no reverse DNS lookups -n testsystem:~$ nmap -sL -n Starting Nmap 6.25 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2014-05-17 23:33 EST Nmap scan report for Nmap scan report for Nmap scan report for Nmap scan report for […]
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Testing Heartbleed with the Nmap NSE script

Everywhere is buzzing with news of the Heartbleed vulnerability in OpenSSL. This is a quick tutorial to show how to test for the vulnerability using a handy Nmap NSE script ssl-heartbleed.nse). First, a working version of Nmap (at least version 6.25), this is not difficult to find or install. So lets jump ahead to running […]
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Nessus, OpenVAS and Nexpose VS Metasploitable

The following article shows results from a test in which I have chosen to target three different vulnerability scanners in a "black box" test against a Metasploitable version 2 Virtualbox. In such a test the vulnerability scanner run against a target with no prior knowledge or credentialed access to the system. In this high-level comparison […]
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Security Testing WordPress

Our scan does not perform brute forcing of accounts, passwords or plugins. Brute Forcing is more appropriate in a targeted pen-test or black-box vulnerability assessment. Simply put brute forcing: Plugins is achieved by testing URL's: http://myexampleblog.cm/wp-content/plugins/$pluginname Usernames can be brute forced with a POST request to the login form (Incorrect username) Passwords can be brute […]
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Metasploit vs Snort as Snorby

Recently I stumbled acorss Snorby, an excellent easy to use implementation of Snort. It is a new web interface for Snort that is very pretty, but also simple. An excellent introduction to Intrusion Detection Systems, that is not going to scare anyone away. Now how to I get hold of this I hear you cry.... […]
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Nmap Cheat Sheet

Nmap Target Selection Scan a single IP nmap Scan a host nmap www.testhostname.com Scan a range of IPs nmap Scan a subnet nmap Scan targets from a text file nmap -iL list-of-ips.txt These are all default scans, which will scan 1000 TCP ports. Host discovery will take place. Nmap Port Selection Scan […]
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