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Archives of #open source

20 Open Source Security Tools for Blue Teams

20 Essential tools for Blue Teams   1. Nmap   2. OpenVAS   3. OSSEC   4. Security Onion   5. Metasploit Framework   6. OpenSSH   7. Wireshark   8. Kali Linux   9. Nikto 10. Yara 11. Arkime (formerly Moloch) 12. ZEEK (formerly Bro-IDS) 13. Snort 14. OSQuery 15. GRR - Google Rapid Response 16. ClamAV 17. Velociraptor 18. ELK Stack | […]
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16 Offensive Security Tools for SysAdmins

Security Professionals use Offensive security tools for testing and demonstrating security weaknesses. Systems Administrators and other IT professionals will benefit from having an understanding of the capabilities of these tools. Benefits include preparing systems to defend against these types of attacks and being able to identify the attacks in the case of an incident. This […]
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